Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Particle self collision( Maya Particle )

Hi, here is the small tutorial for implementing a self collision for maya particles.
This tutorial shows you a step by step process of implementing particle self collision using radial field.
At the end of this tutorial I also added a small MEL script to automate the whole process.

Self collision step-by-step:
      1. go to particles>create Emitter.
      2. select particle shape node and apply gravity field, go to fields>gravity.
      3. Create a poly Plane. Select particle shape node and plane and go to Particles>Make collide.
        * It is not necessary to make a particle collide with some surface it just to see the effect of self collision.
      4. Again select particle shape node and apply radial field to it, go to fields>Radial.
      5. Select radial field and then particle shape node and go to fields>use selected as source of field.
      6. Now select the radial field and open channel Box and turn on ApplyPerVertex attribute.
      7. Now adjust the maxDisatnce of radial field to get the desired effect.
        * the maxDistance used in a given example is 0.6 .

now play the animation to see the self collision in effect.

MEL Script:

Hemant singh
particle self collision
proc particleSelfCollision()
         string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
         string $getShapeNode[] = `listRelatives -s -noIntermediate $sel[0]`;
         // check: the selected object is a particle node
         if(`nodeType $getShapeNode[0]` == "particle")
                 // create gravity field
                 string $grvtNode[] = `gravity -pos 0 0 0 -m 9.8 -att 0 -dx 0 -dy -1 -dz  0 -mxd -1 -vsh none -vex 0 -vof 0 0 0 -vsw 360 -tsr 0.5`;
                connectDynamic -f $grvtNode[0] $sel[0];
                // create radial field
                string $radlNode[] = `radial -pos 0 0 0 -m 1 -att 1 -typ 0 -pv 1 -mxd 0.6 -vsh none -vex 0 -vof 0 0 0 -vsw 360 -tsr 0.5`;
                connectDynamic -f $radlNode[0] $sel[0];
                addDynamic $radlNode[0] $sel[0];
                error ( "Selected object is not a particle object." );


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